Double Major Program

The education program in which students who are attending an undergraduate education program and who meet certain conditions are allowed to continue in order to obtain a second undergraduate degree within or outside the same faculty, if they wish and are accepted, is called "Double Major Program". .

A student can apply for a double major program at the beginning of the third semester of the major undergraduate program at the earliest and at the beginning of the fifth semester at the latest.

Double Major Program consists of 240 ECTS credits.


​In order for the student to apply for a double major program, until the semester in which he/she applies; 

  • Success by taking all the courses prescribed in the major undergraduate program,
  •  Having a GPA of at least 70 out of 100 and at least 2.50 out of 4.00, 
  • Must be among the top 20% in the success ranking of the relevant class of the major undergraduate program .

​Major Coordinators

A "Double Major Program Coordinator" is appointed by the relevant department head to determine the courses that students will take in the double major program and to assist in planning the semesters in which these courses will be taken. The Double Major Program Coordinator ensures the guidance of students by communicating with the major undergraduate program advisors .

Tuition Fee

Students participating in the double major program are not charged for the double major program courses they take within the normal education period (4 years). Students are charged a tuition fee determined by the Board of Trustees for courses taken within the scope of the double major program for periods exceeding 4 years and for courses taken during Summer School.